Complete Guide to Create an Art Gallery Wall

Your home is your haven. It’s a space to relax after a long day, a safe place to reflect on memories and dream of the future, and a spot for your family and friends to gather to create great new memories! Design a bold, fun gallery wall to showcase your personality along with your favorite artwork and photos.  A beautiful collection of photos and artwork can transform a plain wall into a visual masterpiece that reflects your unique taste and experiences. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the process of designing a gallery wall that not only enhances your living space but also tells a story. Step 1: Define Your Style and Theme Before diving into the world of frames and artwork, take a moment to…

The Amazing Story of the Intriguing Butterfly Effect

Math has never been my favorite subject, but I am completely charmed by the butterfly effect! What is the butterfly effect you ask? Visit my Shop to browse more butterfly art The Butterfly Effect Defined A part of chaos theory, the Cambridge dictionary defines the butterfly effect as "A situation in which an action or change that does not seem important has a very large effect, especially in other places or around the world." In a commonly used example, "it is sometimes said that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane on the other side of the globe." Tiny changes in initial conditions of a chaotic system like the atmosphere "can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system" (Merriam-Webster dictionary) Basically, it's the idea that small changes can…

Enjoy Art to Become More Thankful

November is a bit of a calm before the chaos of the holidays. Time to stop and reflect on what you are grateful for. Time to make a point of talking about what you are thankful for and blessing others who you are grateful for! One of the many reasons to love art is that by nature it helps you focus on gratitude. (Grab my free 30 days of thankful journal page here) Here's how . . . Art makes beauty a focal point An artist creates to bring a unique vision of a specific moment or feeling to life. It doesn't have deep or dark feelings to be helpful. A painting can serve a wonderful purpose by bringing beauty and peace and joy into focus. This is…

Nursery Art that Grows with your Child

Lets talk about decorating for your baby! Few things are more exciting than preparing a beautiful place to enjoy with your precious little one. Unfortunately, many new parents overlook that that tiny bundle of joy will not really appreciate the time and money put into an instagram-worthy nursery, and by the time they can even see far enough to notice what is on the walls (let alone read) much of the decorations have already been outgrown. As an artist and a mom who has shifted around my 2 "kid bedrooms" multiple times to accommodate my 4 small children currently, I want to suggest a few key points to consider when purchasing baby nursery wall art so you can enjoy it for as long as possible. Don't make customized…

A Quick Intro

I'm Alissa, the artist behind the watercolor here at Art Reflects Light. I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself without the "officialness" of actual artist's bio. Like many artists, I have loved to draw and paint since I was little. The earliest watercolor painting session I can remember was being outside painting the tulips in my family's flowerbed at 5 years old. Growing up in South Florida with an encouraging creative family who brought me to art museums and galleries was a blessing! Georgia O'Keeffe's flowers, Edgar Degas' charm, Romero Britto's enthusiasm, and Howard Behren's glowing colors all impacted me and inspired me over the years. I explored colored pencil and pastel and admiring the elusive watercolor from afar, attempting a painting here and there.…